Brian Ryder ROI – paintings for this year’s annual show
Brian Ryder ROI – paintings for this year’s annual show

Following on from my Venice paintings I exhibited last year with some success I vowed to exhibit something different this year as I continually strive to explore the world of painting, believing that trying different approaches and subjects you better yourself as a painter.

Unfortunately a major Hospital operation occurred followed by COVID-19 and unable, due to shielding, to get out to explore my favourite locations I resorted to revisiting my Venice sketches and photos.

I have however tried this time to capture more of my feelings for the city and not just well known views. In this respect I have tried to omit details from buildings and boats painting my recollection of the back street canals at different times of the day.

As one of my favourite quotations say… this time from Degas…

“A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness and some fantasy”


“ Art is not what you see.. but what you can make others see.”