Naomi Alexander ROI has had an oil painting chosen to go into the permanent exhibition of The New Hall Collection, Cambridge. The painting is titled “Last days in Riga before emigrating to Great Britain in 1939”.

“Last days in Riga before emigrating to Great Britain in 1939” – oil painting by Naomi Alexander ROI
It is an image of my husbands family, the Rosengartens, literally days before war broke out. Most of the family decided that they would not leave and that life would get better. They were all shot, including one woman in this painting, my husbands Aunt, on the immediate right. The painting was interpreted by me from an old negative I found while I was sorting out my mother in laws photographs after she died.
Not a very cheerful subject but thought it may be of interest. It also incorporates my fascination with the domesticity feeling of cups and saucers on a table, a subject I often paint.
Naomi Alexander ROI