Edman O'Alvazian ROI RSMA

Edman O’Alvazian ROI RSMA (1931-2020)

Edman O’Aivazian’s work is founded on the need to understand nature through the abstraction of form, light and colour, distilling its essence. In recent years, the river Thames has provided a new challenge, its vastness and ever-changing scenery providing a constant source of inspiration.

Method of Working

Edman always starts painting by sketching the subject matter (when possible), recording the subtle details and depth that a photograph cannot capture. Edman works in multimedia, using whichever medium provides the quickest means of recording the moment, gouache, charcoals and ink are excellent to use. When painting outside with oils, the ever changing British weather forces him to work at speed as he is always reluctant to a half finished canvas back to my studio, using brush, palette knife, anything at hand to complete the work. At his studio, Edman will generally be working on 2 to 3 paintings in parallel, this enables him to step back from a single work, giving time to be critical, leading to changes where needed.


Biographical Details

  • 1931 Born on 10th August in Tehran, Iran
  • 1948-52 Private Tuition, Tehran
  • 1964-66 Academy of Fine Art, Rome
  • 1973 Moved to London
  • 1960 First Studio
  • 1980 Built Current Studio
  • 2000 Elected to the Wapping Group of Artists
  • 2002 Elected to the Royal Society of Marine Artists
  • 2006 Elected to the Royal Institute of Oil Painters

Society Memberships

  • Royal Institute of Oil Painters
  • Royal Society of Marine Artist

Other Society Memberships

  • Wapping Group of Artists

Scholarships, Awards, Prizes

  • 2008 ROI Exhibition, Cornelissen & Son Award
  • 2006 ROI Exhibition, The Stanley Grimm Prize
  • 2001 The Worshipful Company of Shipwright’s Award, RSMA Annual exhibition
  • 2000 ROI Exhibition Winsor & Newton Award (Non Member)
  • 1998 ROI Exhibition, The Stanley Grimm Prize 1958 First Prize Iranian Ministry of Culture Award, Selected for Venice Biennale
  • 1956 First Prize Iranian Contemporary Artists Award


  • Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibition 2016
  • London and its River
  • The Painted Parish
  • Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibition 2015
  • Royal Society of Marine Artists Annual Exhibition 2015
  • Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibition 2014

Other exhibitions

  • 2008 ROI, RSMA, WGA 2008 London, its river & the Cutty Sark, 2006 Layered Lives Exhibition, SOAS, London
  • 2004 Guild Hall Reflections of London and the River, WGA 2001 Treasures for the Ark, The British Library Exhibition Designer 1997 New English Art Club, Annual Exhibition, Mall Galleries
  • 1993 American Armenian Artists Association, Boston
  • 1990 Aivazovski centenary exhibition, Simferopol, Crimea
  • 1957 Group Exhibition
  • 1958 Venice Biennale
  • COLLECTORS Museum of St. Lazzaro, Venice. Museum of Aram, Khachatourian, Yerevan, St. Serkis Church, Tehran. Abadan Armenian Church, Iran. Narmak Armenian Church. Tehran. N.l.O.C. Tehran. Northrop Corp. U.S.A. Private


  • 2002 The Landscapes of Rural Iran 1
  • 1984 Paintings and Drawings of an Armenian Village

Examples of work