Frances Bell ROI

Frances Bell ROI

Frances Bell ROI Members >  Frances Bell ROI The themes of my work largely revolve around what I observe in life and find captivating, ranging from formal portraits to farm life and landscapes of many kinds. The main nugget of interest is often a transcendent...
Adam Ralston ROI

Adam Ralston ROI

Adam Ralston ROI Members >  Adam Ralston ROI I prefer to paint from life, with my main interest being plein air and still life in oils. Plein air works are mainly small and sometimes completed in one go, but often need more sessions. Urban street scenes...
Gregory Mason ROI

Gregory Mason ROI

Gregory Mason ROI Members >  Gregory Mason ROI Greg studied illustration at St Martins School of Art and worked as an editorial illustrator in London in the 1980s before swapping this for a career in the fashion industry – travelling the world as an art director...


Ben Mowll ROI PPRSMA Members >  Ben Mowll ROI PPRSMA Ben has been painting and exhibiting for 30 years in both oil and watercolour, showing regularly throughout that time in a variety of outlets, including 20 solo shows, the last in Pall Mall, London in 2019. His...
Benjamin Hope ROI

Benjamin Hope ROI

Benjamin Hope ROI Members > Benjamin Hope ROI Benjamin studied mathematics and physics at university because he was interested in them. His long-term plan throughout, though, was to become a painter and his artistic training happened concurrently through...